Author: Kim Anisi

Name: Kim Anisi Intro: Gaming has been my passion since childhood. The journey started when I received hand-me-down games on Atari and Amiga systems from my brother and I now mainly play games on PC. Among the vast genres in the gaming world that I have tried, my personal favourites are RPGs, MMORPGs, (Action) adventures, horror games, and settlement/city builders. Overcoming the challenges and helping others in games provide a great satisfaction to me.

Mortal Kombat is one of the most popular fighting game series. With interesting stories, fun gameplay, and unique characters, it’s no surprise that people can’t get enough of it. Of course, many people also know Mortal Kombat through the series of movies, but it is worth noting that many characters from the games never made it into the movie, simply because some of them are too weird to be included! They either have some strange moves, extra brutal finishers, or an unusual backstory. Some look odd, and some just don’t seem to fit in. In this article, you’ll get to…

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